Sunday, 13 February 2011

The hays code

The black swan
Released 21/1/2011
Classified 15

BLACK SWAN is a film about a young New York based prima ballerina, portraying her psychological deterioration while preparing for her first leading role. The film was classified '15' for strong sex, strong language and bloody injury.
The film contains a number of scenes of strong sex and sexual activity. In one scene, the lead character appears to receive oral sex from another ballerina. The scene does not include any sexualised nudity or sight of genitalia or breasts. The scene does, however, present a strong impression of a sexual act. The film also includes scenes of implied masturbation, but again without any strong detail. The BBFC's Guidelines at '15' state that 'Sexual activity may be portrayed without strong detail'.
The film also shows some sight of bloody injuries. These include a stabbing and some self inflicted wounds. Although occasionally bloody there is no strong detail of the infliction of any injuries. At '15' the Guidelines state that 'Violence may be strong but should not dwell on the infliction of pain or injury. The strongest gory images are unlikely to be acceptable'.
The film includes frequent use of strong language, including aggressive and sexual uses. At '15' the Guidelines state that 'There may be frequent use of strong language (for example, 'fuck')'.
The film also includes a sequence in which two characters take an unspecified drug in a nightclub. The effect on one of the characters is for her to become disorientated and to experience hallucinations. The Guidelines at '15' state that 'Drug taking may be shown but the film as a whole must not promote or encourage drug misuse'.

127 Hours 
Released 7/1/2011
Classified 15
127 HOURS is a survival drama based on the true story of Aron Ralston who suffers a fall while canyoneering alone in a remote part of Utah and finds himself in a narrow ravine with his right arm trapped by a boulder. The film was classified '15' for one scene of strong gory injury and strong language.
Aron's predicament, as he suffers the effects of thirst, hunger and cold, becomes increasingly tense and desperate and begins to take a toll on his mental state. Realizing that he is likely to die in the ravine, Aron makes a desperate decision which offers him the only means of surviving. The outcome presents a scene which places a focus on self-inflicted strong gory injury. The BBFC's Guidelines at '15' state that 'Violence may be strong but should not dwell on the infliction of pain or injury. The strongest gory images are unlikely to be acceptable'. The injury is not the result of violence as such, but is self-inflicted out of necessity and although there are moments of graphic detail in the scene, they are not dwelt upon for sensationalist reasons but to show the real-life extremes to which an individual had to go in order to survive. Those intending to see the film are advised that the scene carries the potential to cause distress and physical discomfort.
There are several uses of strong language in the film, most of them uttered by Aron as expressions of anger, frustration and helplessness in the course of his ordeal. The Guidelines allow for the 'frequent use of strong language (for example, 'fuck')' at '15'.

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